asd 2018 - big data & applications , 12th edition of the conference on advances of decisional systems home asd 2018 topics keynotes committees important dates submission registration venue & accomodation previous asd partners contacts -- asd 2018: big data & applications 12th edition of the conference on advances of decisional systems asd 2018 will be held in the city of marrakech (morocco) during 2-3 may 2018 . conference program aims and scope the importance of big data for the scientific community, as well as for professionals, raises new interests and opens up new research tracks. the central focus of data really attracts different communities around new research issues, and then creates new synergies. these communities are called upon to collaborate and cogitate together to understand the complexity of data. they have challenges to develop new approaches, techniques and software tools, capable of generating value from big data. the pressure issued from the professional world creates regularly new scientific and technological challenges that academic researchers have to identify. among these challenges, one encourages academic researchers and professionals to work together: thus, many advances in data processing within different disciplines must be combined together in order to make big data a key resource for both organizations and scientific research. the conference on advances on decisional systems (asd) is part of this problematic. the success of the previous eleven editions encourages us to continue with the same ambitions and enthusiasm by launching this call for this twelfth (12) edition. asd 2018 will be held in the city of marrakech (morocco) during 2-3 may 2018. the faculty of science and technology of mohammedia, university hassan 2 of casablanca and the moroccan school of engineering sciences will jointly organize this asd 2018 edition. this twelfth edition, with a strong connotation in big data and iot, will allow researchers who have already participated in previous editions to find themselves in the same context for presenting their latest scientific works. the asd conference addresses also professionals who are involved or interested in the decision-making domain, who, through their pragmatic vision, will contribute by expressing new requirements or by valuing existing solutions. asd is also an opportunity for ph.d. students to expose and reveal their work and to make themselves part of this community. this event in big data and iot sectors will allow discovering specialized works in these fields, as well as receiving many feedbacks. topics faithful to its spirit of openness, asd conference remains attentive to the developments in the information technology field. thus, it is still adopting several innovations in its presentation and in its model of knowledge dissemination. this twelfth edition will be organized around different tracks to promote applications on big data and iot, and further to involve professionals. asd 2018 will cover five tracks: track 1 : internet of things (iot) & healthcare track 2 : intelligent transportation systems: big data, machine learning & cloud computing track 3 : internet of things & banking track 4 : internet of things & environment track 5 : big data & business intelligence track 6 : entreprise data-driven : big data and digital transformation track 7 : the internet of things: components challenges and opportunities track 8 : e-supply chain management : a competitive advantage keynotes mourad el mahjoubi general manager visiativ africa "big data un des leviers de la transformation digitale des organisations" presentation pr. mohammed mestari enset, hassan ii university of casablanca, morocco "artificial neural networks and parallel computing paradigm: towards a new parallel and distributed learning algorithm." presentation romain billot associate professor in data science, "smart mobility at the crossroads between machine learning, optimization and artificial intelligence" presentation committees conference general chair azedine boulmakoul, fstm, morocco kamal daissaoui, emsi, morocco steering committee badir hassan (ensat, morocco ) ben abdallah hanêne (miracl, university of sfax, tunisia) bentayeb fadila (eric, university lumière lyon 2, france) boulmakoul azedine (university of hassan ii, morocco) boussaid omar (eric, university of lumière lyon 2, france) feki jamel (miracl, university of sfax, tunisia) gargouri faiez (miracl, university of sfax, tunisia) harbi nouria (eric, university lumière lyon 2, france ) program committee abdelmalek amine, saida university, algeria abdi mustapha k., université d'oran, algérie ahmed ouamer rachid, université tizi ouzou, algérie aliane hassina, cerist, algeria alimazighi zaia, usthb university, algeria amarouche amine idir, usthb university, algeria asfari ounas, université lyon2, france atmani baghdad, université d’oran, algérie baaziz abdelhalim, université badji mokhtar, annaba, algérie badache nadjib, cerist alger, algérie badard thierry, université laval, canada badir hassan, ensat, maroc badri abdelmajid, université hassan ii, maroc bellafkih mostafa, inpt rabat, maroc bellatreche ladjel, ensma poitiers, france ben abdallah hanene, université de sfax, tunisie benblidia nadjia, université de blida algérie benharkat nabila, insa de lyon, france benkhlifa elhadj, staffordshire university, uk benkrid soumia, higher national school of computer science, algeria benmaissa yann , inpt rabat , maroc benslimanel djamel, université de lyon1, france bentayeb fadila, université lumière lyon 2, france bouchebout khoutir, usthb university, algeria boufaida mahmoud, université de constantine, algérie boufaida zizette, université de constantine, algérie boufares faouzi, lipn paris france boukhalfa kamel, usthb, alger, algérie boukraa doulkifli, univesrité de jijel, algérie boulmalkoul azedine, université hassan ii, maroc bouramaoul ramzi abdelkrim, université de constantine, algérie boussaid omar, université lumière lyon 2, france boustia narhimène, saad dahla university - blida1, algeria dahchour mohamed , inpt rabat , maroc darmont jérôme, université lumière lyon 2, france derrar hacene , université de blida, algérie el akkaoui zineb ,inpt rabat , maroc en-nouaari abdesslam , inpt rabat , maroc favre cécile, université lumière lyon 2, france fekki jamel, université de sfax, tunisie ferrag mohamed amine, lrs, université du 8 mai 1945, guelma, algérie gargouri faiez, université de sfax, tunisie ghozzi faiza, université de sfax, tunisie haffidi hatim , inpt rabat , maroc harbi nouria, université lumière lyon 2, france hemam sofiane, khenchela university, algeria hidouci walid, esi alger, algérie hioual ouassila, khenchela university, algeria idrissi abdellah, université mohammed v, rabat, maroc jararweh yaser, jordan university of science and technology, jordan kabachi nadia, université lyon1, france kazar okba, université biskra, algérie khouri selma, higher national school of computer science, algeria lemire daniel, université du québec à montréal, canada mahdaoui latifa, usthb university, algeria marghoubi rabia, inpt rabat , maroc melit ali, université de jijel, algérie merouani hayet farida, université badji mokhtar, annaba, algérie mezrioui abdellatif , inpt rabat , maroc meziane abdelkrim , cerist, algérie moussa rim, université de carthage, tunisie nabli ahlem, université de sfax, tunisie nafaa jabeur, german university of technology in oman, muscat, oman nafaa mehdi, université badji mokhtar, annaba, algérie naït bahloul safia, oran university, algeria oukid saliha, université de blida, algérie oulad haj thami rachid, ensias rabat, maroc ravat frank, université de toulouse, france reguieg f zohra, université de blida, algérie s. sid ali, blida university, algeria sekhri larbi, université d'oran, algérie seridi hassina, université badji mokhtar, annaba, algérie sidhom sahbi, université de nancy, france tahari karim, laghouat u